Bitcoin Payment Button - Demo Page

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To create your own payment button goto
merchants and click on get started for free.

WorkFlow Intergration

You can integrate our payment button with your website e-commerce workflow with minimum or no coding

Automated Subscription Payments

You can get callbacks of new orders/payments. UserID of the customer making payment can be programmatically passed to the payment button to automatically identify customer

Sending Download Link on Payment

A Download link can be mailed automatically to customer making the payment via bitcoin. Uses Blockonomics, Zapier and Gmail. No coding required

Sending Download Link on Payment

A Download link can be mailed automatically to customer making the payment via bitcoin. Uses Blockonomics, Zapier and Gmail. No coding required

Dynamic Price Button

A button with dynamic price can be setup. On checkout page, the total cart amount can be set as the price of the button. This way customer can easily pay the total checkout value in bitcoin [Demo Page]